The key to transforming your life is focus and self-mastery. If you know what you want and can not only devote your time and attention to that but also practice self-discipline like getting up at 5 am to work out then you are guaranteed to see some major life changes. To be honest we are pretty amazing anyway. I’m sure if you look at your life you will see areas where you are a
superwoman, whether it’s putting in major hours at work, raising kids or studying for those exams.

Girl, you are a game-changer waiting to happen!

But often we are not game-changing in the areas we really want or need to be! Like – your shaku shaku don blow but those hours you spent practising cost you an A in chemistry, or your aso ebi slay is unparalleled but now no money left to fund your business.
We all have demons. Mine is sugar and that’s even with all my wellness know-how, fully cognizant of the fact that sugar suppresses your immune response, feeds cancer and gives you terrible mood swings. I still can’t give it up!

So how exactly are you going to fight your demons to be your own woman crush? Sometimes, when there’s an obstacle, you can’t just body slam it – cos that’s painful (but feel free if that’s your mood). However, if you know what you want and you know what’s in your way, perhaps you can go around it? You may not have mastery over every aspect of your life but I bet you know where you can give stuff up and put in extra effort, am I right? You may not be able to give up all your vices right away but you can start with a few and also implement a few better habits and right there, your transformation will start to happen.

The MOVE OF THE WEEK is the Plank and earlier in my personal fitness journey, one of my goals was to plank every day. I even set up a plank group where we remind each other to plank. It’s only 45 seconds and you can do it at home wearing pretty much anything. The plank is super easy and strengthens your core. It won’t change your body but is pretty much an essential step along the way.

When your core is stronger, you will feel more able to do other, more challenging exercises and slowly you are getting closer to the body you want. What you see when you commit to something as small as a plank is that you are highly able to commit to things and master yourself.

Watch as you now transfer that energy to other areas of your life and boom! Game-changer!

Oya let’s go!