Most women live for fashion, we love the sound of looking stylish, wearing the latest items, making fashion statements etc., but when does it become a problem? It becomes problematic when something that is supposed to be fun and enjoyable, turn into an unhealthy way of life. A good example is when women begin to struggle to sustain and satisfy fashion desires at all cost, for instance maxing out credit cards or accounts, spending way too much to keep up with trends and so on. In essence, people need to understand that there numerous great ways of being stylish without having to break the bank or struggle to fit into a luxurious lifestyle. Hence in today’s post, I am sharing five (5) healthy habits you can cultivate to help you live a fashionable, stress-free and happy life.

1. Don’t Follow Trends
I have said this a lot of times in my previous article, but it is worth repeating here. It is not advisable to follow trends because they have a short life span that makes them impossible to be worn for the long haul. For example, what is the point of buying that expensive Neon dress that you cannot even wear in 2021; and because of this, you find women spending lots of money trying to keep up with the latest trend year after year, funding a stressful lifestyle. Instead invest in expensive classy, vintage or essential items that would stand the test of time.
2. Buy Timeless Piece
This point flow from what I already said above. Timeless pieces are those fashion items that would never go out of style, irrespective of when you wear them. As such you are neither perceived as wearing outdated fashion, but elegant and timeless. Good examples include silk shirts, Ankara dresses, leather jackets, longline blazers etc.
3. Shop from your Wardrobe
Shopping from your closet is one easy to be economical when it comes to being fashionable, especially when you have the right pieces, and one way you can get the best results out of this is by decluttering. One good thing about decluttering is that you end up finding clothes that you can repurpose, create new looks from, thrift out to cloth merchants and so on.
4. Build a Minimalist Capsule Wardrobe
The idea here is to fill your closet with essentials, the right colours and accessories, which would stand the test of time. A good wardrobe is not about having piles of clothes, shoes, bags, accessories etc., it is the ability to own things that can tend to your daily life. This is why capsule wardrobes are good because they are built in such a manner that fits into your routine, which in turn will make styling and fashion easier and fun for you over time.
5. Dress for Yourself
Happiness is free, so do not let the urge to satisfy your fashion desires take that away from you. Confidence and comfort are the most important factors when it comes to fashion ad style because no matter how expensive your clothing is without these factors you are going to be perceived like every other person who does not care about style and fashion. Overall, ensure not to always impress people with your clothing, rather be yourself, dress for yourself and be happy.