
We all love soft hands, but we all don’t have them. If you oftentimes think your hands feel rough or hard, good news! There are a good number of homemade items and long-lasting recipes to help you get rid of rough palms.

Body scrub of sea salt with lemon, rosemary and olive oil
Hand/Body scrub of sea salt with lemon, rosemary and olive oil

Here are some natural cures to keep your hands feeling soft:

Salt and Lemon
This is a great homemade scrub that will help to cleanse all dead skin and exfoliate your hands.

Honey and Sugar
It is another great homemade recipe for exfoliating the skin. Tenderly rub mixed honey and sugar around your hands for about 5minutes, until the sugar has dissolved completely, allow the honey to moisturize your skin for another 10minutes and then wash off.

Warm Milk
Soaking your hands in warm milk for about 4-5minutes can soothe your skin and make it feel softer.

Shea Butter
Shea butter is the easiest thing to lay your hands on around the house, you can replace all inorganic hand lotion and use shea butter instead. Regularly moisturize your hands with shea butter anytime it starts to feel rough.

Coconut Oil
Similar to Shea Butter, Coconut oil is a great natural moisturizer for the hands. Applying it 2-3 times daily will make your hands feel really silky. And don’t you just love how coconut oil smells?

coconut oil
Coconut Oil

Aloe Vera
A lot of people have aloe vera plants lying around in the house, why not take one and put it to good use? The gel from the aloes is a perfect skin rejuvenator.

Petroleum jelly, vaseline is one of the easiest organic hand moisturizers to find. Try it.

Butter and Almond Oil
Butter will easily lubricate your skin while almond oil, which is rich in Vitamin E, will hide signs of ageing and reduce lines and cracks on your hands.

Olive Oil
Use a spoon of olive oil to massage your hands regularly. It is an excellent natural moisturizer.

Make a paste with oats and a little warm water, then use to scrub your hands properly. Leave for 10minutes and wash off with warm water. Oats act as a natural cleansing and exfoliating agent that will not dry your skin.

These practices can also help to keep your hands soft:

  • Regular hand washing: Washing your hands regularly with soaps that are not harsh will keep your palms clean and free of germs. Remember to moisturize after you wash. Using an oil helps to seal in the moisture you’ll get from water.
  • Gloves: Moisturize your hands before going to bed and wear gloves through the night, by morning your palms will feel fresh and smooth. This acts as deep conditioning for your hands, thank us later!
  • Water: Drinking lots of water can go a long way to benefit your body, one of which is keeping your hands supple. So always stay hydrated.

Photo Credit: Dreamstime