This month you might be plotting to win someone’s heart, but what about your own? It might be the month of love but did you know in many countries it’s also the month of the heart? What’s more painful than a broken heart? – A heart attack. What’s better than making someone else’s heart beat faster? – Knowing your own heart is healthy. Heartthrob? Best to see your doctor.

Heart disease is the top killer of women and it’s killing more younger women every year due to diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure. Young women are also more stressed than ever before as they take on more at work and then come home to traditional homemaker/motherhood tasks. Don’t wait till you have a problem. Educate yourself today and make sure your lifestyle is making you into your #womancrush, and not merely crushing you.

Check out this handy checklist for a healthy heart

Schedule a Yearly Checkup.

Make sure you test your;

  • Weight and BMI
  • Waist circumference
  • Blood pressure
  • Cholesterol
  • Fasting blood glucose

Drink More Water

It’s such a cliche but imagine you had to work hard without any water? Your heart is constantly pumping blood around your body. That’s thirsty work. Make sure more water is going in than going out. Stay hydrated.

Eat Healthy

Nutrition goals are essential especially as you get older and less active. Certain foods are good for the heart, like fish, dark berries and spinach.

Control Cholesterol

Cholesterol causes weight gain and excess weight makes your heart work harder and puts it at risk for heart disease.

Cut Down on Salt

The more salt you eat, the higher your blood pressure. Stock cubes and seasoning sachets are often stuffed with salt as our frankfurters, bacon and other processed foods, so watch what you put on your food.

Quit Smoking

I think we all know smoking is bad but smoking damages the lining of your arteries causing fatty deposits to build up that narrows the arteries leading to angina, stroke or heart attack.

Get physical

Cardio or aerobic exercise strengthens the heart and lungs and improves the ability of the body to use oxygen. I’m here to help you with that. I founded DANCEFiT, a dance fitness class much like Zumba which gets your heart rate up and burns calories. Follow me @vbwelllife for more info on those.

In the meantime check out my Move of the Week, the Butt Kick which will raise your heart rate as well as toning your gluten and burning calories.

This Valentine’s give your heart a break, fall in love with your health and live happily ever after!

Oya let’s go!

Photo Credit: Dreamstime