Over here at BN Style, we love discovering new things to obsess over . From new Instagram profiles with stylish content that inspires us to try new outfits as well as new places to grab lunch, drinks or dinner. While we could just discover and hoard these things, we figured there’s love in sharing and so every week the BN Style editorial and social media team gets together to share all their fab finds and picks of the week so you can get on our wave.
From the series to binge watch this weekend to the wardrobe essential we think you just have to get, here are this week’s fab finds:

Recently, Orange Culture released BTS pictures of their King Stitch x Orange Culture Diffusion Collection and all the pieces are just calling out names. It should come as no surprise that Orange Culture – easily one of Nigeria’s top fashion brands – would leave us breathless once again but it is a surprise and they did!

It’s hot more often than not these days and that just leads to sweat and a lot of dirt on your skin. We over at BN Style have discorvered that one of the best ways to keep your skin glowing is getting rid of all the dirt and dead skin cells and what that’s where Skinned by Nature’s Body Scrub comes in. Containing lemon oil and white suagr, it is the easiest way to have and maintain that great skin you desire. And what’s more ? It’s BN Style approved.

If you want a tv show that perfectly brings fashion and lifestyle together to get lost in, then The Bold Type is the one for you. Armed with amazing outfits, the perfect lipsticks, talent and bravery, three girls set out to excel and get to the very top of one of the biggest fashion and lifestyle magazines in the world while finding a balance between work, relationships and so much. It is a classic plot with talented acting and a fair amount of plot twists and laughs to make your weekend all the more enjoyable.

Well recently, our junior editor Mary Edoro went to Danfo Bistro and she has given us major insta-envy with the ambiance shots she took as well as the mouthwatering food spread she shared. Are we going to spend the whole weekend there? Yes, we will. Do we have deadlines and diets that we are supposed to stick to? Yes, we do. Are we going to stick to them? That’s a big NO.

Our BellaStylista of the week is fashion blogger, stylist and business owner Wumi Oguntuase whose style is down-to-earth and yet leaves you unconsciously taking notes. Wumi’s strength lies in her ability to wear practical outfits every day without for a second looking basic. Her understanding of the silhouette created by her outfits and fabrics used enables her outfits all come out, for lack of a better word, bomb!