This month (and moving forward) we over at BN Style will be going the extra mile to tell the stories of women and how they are making the world a better place.

Today, as a special feature to celebrate International Women’s Day we are bringing you Corncuopia’s International Women’s Day Campaign. This special campaign courtesy of Cornucopia, a Nigerian jewellery brand,  aims to inspire women to not give up on their dreams and instead go further and evolve into the best version of themselves by highlighting three women who have done this and who embody Cornucopia’s brand ethos.

Ayomide Akindolie 

Working as a senior consultant at Dalberg where she excels and is surrounded with amazing colleagues and gets to work on issues she feel strongly about, Ayomide Akindole pushes to be more as she enters the world of photography with her lens ready to capture interesting images from unique angles. Cornucopia celebrates her as she continues to push for excellence without loosing sight of self.

Wearing: Andrea Necklace.

Ayiri Oladunmoye

Ayiri Oladunmoye is the founder of Oaken Events – a Nigerian-based global events company – as well as the convener for the extraordinary Atinuda Conference. Ayiri Oladunmoye was recently listed as one of the most influential people of African descent (MIPAD) and launched her own initiative African Silent Heroes which highlights notable Africans achieving uncommon feats. Cornucopia celebrates her as she takes the lead and inspires other women to do so.

Wearing: Layo Necklace.

Ayodeji Megbope

Currently the CEO of Leftovers Ltd a business she started with just a thousand Naira and she has grown into a multi-million one, Ayodeji Megbope is the literal definition of inspiring. In 2016 she was invited to be a speaker at the United State of Women Conference in Washington DC and had the honour of receiving Michelle Obama at the State House Dinner as well as also serving her with her Moinmoin. Even more recently, she was invited to Davos, Switzerland to address participants at the World Economic Forum. She has grown from a trouble filled and abusive childhood and not having a university education even though she was from a middle class family to the inspiration that she is today. Cornucopia celebrates her tenacity.

Wearing: Ameyo Necklace.