I’ve noticed that people commonly use these terms synonymously, where in fact, they are different things entirely. One is a skin type and more permanent so has to be managed, while the other is a temporary skin condition that can be fixed. Both aren’t such severe situations. All it takes is the right skincare products and routine. Today, I’ll be explaining what dry skin is and help guide you on differentiating it from dehydrated skin.

What is Dry Skin?

Dry skin is a skin type where the individual’s skin lacks adequate skin oils/lipids due to very little oil/sebum production. This makes the skin appear dry, flaky, and even rough or irritated. The follicles (pores) are usually very small, and the skin feels tight. Dry skin can be sensitive because it lacks the protection skin oil/sebum provides so it requires extra care. It is prone to skin conditions like eczema, dermatitis (inflammation of the skin), psoriasis, dehydration, etc. It is important to remember that genetics, as well as environmental factors, play a role in determining skin types.

In contrast, dehydrated skin lacks water or moisture. Not oil. It is a skin condition that can occur in any skin type when there is a continuous loss of water/moisture like in the case of transdermal water loss (TEWL), or inadequate moisturizing and hydration.
Dry skin typically looks dull and can show signs of aging prematurely, like wrinkles and reduced elasticity of the skin. There can be itchiness, and skin can appear thin. Dark and tired under-eye circles and fast absorption of products can be a sign of dehydration. A simple test is to pinch your skin and hold for a few seconds, then notice how fast it bounces back. If it snaps back fast, you’re good. If it’s slower, your skin is likely dehydrated. Dehydrated skin can be caused by external and internal factors such as over-exfoliation, harsh products, sun exposure, diet (alcohol, coffee, water intake).

Generally, for healthy and beautiful skin, hydration/moisturizing is very important. Drinking water is great, but that’s not enough. Topical moisturizing is a must. Everyone should have a good moisturizing product.

For dehydrated skin, go for products containing active ingredients that will help keep water/moisture on the skin such as hyaluronic acid, ceramides, glycerin, aloe vera, urea, honey, snail mucin, lactic acid.

For dry skin, products that will help supply the skin with much-needed oil for protection should be used, as well as good moisturizing. Occlusives and plant oils such as non-comedogenic oils like shea butter, jojoba oil, rosehip oil, almond oil, hemp oil, neem oil, mineral oil, etc. Hyaluronic acid and Ceramides are useful for dry skin too to help supply moisture and protect the skin’s barrier.

The doctor’s recommendation: https://misteskin.com/product/miste-hyaluronic-acid-serum/

An ultra-hydration serum that contains hyaluronic acid, ceramides, peptides, aloe vera, as well as plant oil extracts like rosehip oil, carrot seed oil, and green tea oil. The ultimate hydration for your skin. You need this in your skincare routine.

NB: Don’t forget to always layer your serums with moisturizers, then seal in the moisture with occlusive. We’ll discuss more on layering skincare products in the coming weeks, do tune in.

Thanks for reading, it’s Dr. Millie on Skin & All!