Beauty YouTuber Adanna Madueke is out with a new video on maintaining microlink hair extensions on 4C hair and how to remove them safely to prevent hair loss.

She wrote on her channel:

I will be taking y’all through how to safely remove microlinks and giving an update while sharing all the information you need to know before you install microlinks. From covering the overall maintenance of these microlinks on 4c natural hair, we will be delving into all the up-close details you need to safely take down and remove Itip microlinks without causing any hair damage or breakage.

Still can’t get over how natural microlinks look though and the longevity is second to none even on 4c natural hair. So based on my experiences, here’s all you need to know before trying a DIY Microlink tutorial on 4c natural hair install for the first time while getting the perfect blend on 4c hair. From the installation to the maintenance on 4c natural hair to the update (pros and cons) and then, the takedown. Hope you enjoy.